Part 2 of the previous post on basics of Financial Planning focusing on goals.<\/p>\n
Last issue we saw the necessity to first budget our income and expense, then control debt so that our emis are within a comfortable range & having adequate life insurance via a term plan for all earning members of the household and health insurance for all the members of your family. These steps like budgeting, controlling and eventually eliminating all debt except for home loans, being adequately insured for life and health are the foundations and equal to starting on the financial road to a productive work life and a peaceful retirement. Starting without these steps in place is like starting to travel a long journey in a car with little fuel, less money to buy fuel and to top it off the tires not in good condition, it is a recipe for disaster & we should avoid such mistakes in our financial planning journey too.<\/p>\n
Let us continue where we left off last time on the road to financial planning.<\/p>\n
Tax Planning: Government gives umpteen number of tax breaks to all of us to alleviate the heavy tax burden the working class heroes to some extent. These start from the well known 80C of 1 Lac, the new 80CCC for Infrastructure bonds to tax free investments like PPF to tax break on children\u2019s education expenses \/home loan repayments \/ charity gifts etc. Ensure that this is used to the maximum so not only you save and invest but you get tax breaks on the investments too.\u00a0 Easiest thing is to ask a Chartered Accountant but the best is to know it yourself by getting around financial planning blogosphere or buy books on the subject.<\/p>\n
Finally have your investment papers are in order by ensuring that all your investments be it SB Ac or FD or Shares or Mutual Funds etc have a nominee in place and your spouse knows where these papers \/ receipts etc are kept.<\/p>\n
Now let us start the exciting and rewarding journey of Financial Planning<\/p>\n
Saving, Investing and your basic goals in Life<\/p>\n
Many of us would like to own our home as after all a mans home is his castle as the English say. A generation ago there was no concept of home loan so buying\u00a0 a home was for the lucky few today with higher disposable incomes and tax breaks buying a home is the first investment that people think of once they are married.\u00a0 There are many important things to consider before you opt for that home loan.<\/p>\n
4. Childrens Education<\/p>\n
Now any saving beyond this ( I can hear you say what savings but have heart, we are a nation of big savers !!) needs to be funded for other goals such as children\u2019s education<\/p>\n
While this is a laudable goal remember that today there are loans available for education and your child would be more responsible in repaying if he opts for a loan, you can pay a part of the fees if necessary. Again many parents overextend this expense too by aiming very high. Good education does not cost much, what costs much is usually not a very good way to educate your child.<\/p>\n
It is better to plan separately for this goal, having a PPF account in the name of the children and investing the rest in equity mutual funds via monthly systematic investment plan (SIP) is a better bet in my opinion but you can allocate more or less to both based on your own appetite and tolerance to risk. Most of the child insurance plans etc usually are not a good way to invest since the costs are higher than a mutual fund and naturally returns are lower. Best to have a PPF account in childs name and an equity fund SIP.<\/p>\n
Childrens Marriage : This is a goal probably unique to us. We would like to get our children married well if not in style. Marriage costs keep rising higher then inflation thanks to newer line entries that were not done before such as stage arrangement, rich buffett spreads etc. Even a typical middle class marriage today costs a lot and hence it is better to start saving for this goal early on. Best is to set aside some money monthly or to combine with savings for the children in combination of safe and risky but high return long term investments ( PPF+ Equity MFs are my recipe).<\/p>\n
There are other minor goals such as Holidays or buying a car etc that we need to account for too. However the above goals are major and hence need to be looked at first.<\/p>\n
1. Life<\/p>\n
2. Health<\/p>\n
Many No\u2019s to the above questions means that you should really take control of your finances better.<\/p>\n
Suggestion for planning : Some investment sites offer planning tools, there are also softwares that can take care of budgeting. Actually if we are up to it a spreadsheet can do the job.<\/p>\n